
[活動資訊] 2018年系友座談會演講


[得獎] 107學年度系友會獎學金得獎名單

恭喜下列得獎同學! 英碩二 胡盛鈞 英文四 吳蕙瑜 英文三 張懷心 英文三 張瑜芬 英文二 曾芷睫 本會將於十二月六日(四)晚間七點文二館C2-114舉辦之系友座談會,頒發獎金及獎狀,以玆鼓勵。請得獎同學準時出席領獎,若不克出席,請務必派代表領獎 (唯不得請系友會助理代理);若未出席領獎則依據系友會一零七學年度第一次幹部會議決議,取消得獎資格,敬請配合,謝謝。 會長 劉健清

[作品] The Person That Impresses Me Most|白易玄|2010寫作比賽第一名

The Person That Impresses Me Most If there is someone who has made me rethink about our education, which molds our society today, it would be the hobo I met in Chung-Li Train Station last Sunday. While I was waiting for my bus in line as other students did, a man, obviously drunken, crawlingly stumbled along from afar. He finally found himself a yellow seat and threw himself into it, and that was when I saw his face. Underneath his oil-stained red hat, his gray hair grew like hay. He had an oily face, rather dark, and mustache’s stubble around his chin. His black jacket was old, and so were his pants. Both of them looked formal, but he awkwardly wore a pair of plastic slippers on his feet. He seemed tired. Sleepy and exhausted, he had drunken so much that I could smell of alcohol that mixed with gasoline in the air from several meters away. He lay weakly on a yellow seat with a plastic bag full of empty cans and bottles and started to twist his body as if he had been an uncomfortab...

[作品] Island of Yesterday|謝佳宏|2008寫作比賽第一名

Island of Yesterday Receive thy new possessor: one who brings A mind not to be changed by place or time. The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n. ─John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book I It is the window of a prison they left him, and an island. That fatal year, with frenzy and a goal, a goal that still reverberated in his vein during those sleepless nights, he faced the impossible and the multitude. Battlefield, blood, reeking breath, memory, religion and philosophy are all trapped in a heated discussion of life and death. He was an Achilles, mighty and fearless, his men used to call him. No, never an Achilles. Achilles was swollen with his feet. His feet had been well shaped by birth and dimmed in the sobbing Styx, entirely. He was Beowulf, the epic and the one man that pulled heaven and earth apart. Or he should be the great Ozymandias, king of kings, he once contended. And yet, even Ozymandias cheated no death and pas...

[獎學金] 英文系系友魏淑慧紀念獎學金開始申請!

[魏淑惠獎學金] 英文系系友會特設此獎學金鼓勵大學部同學,凡品德與學業兼優且熱心參與英文系事務的同學皆歡迎提出申請,每名可獲得$3000-5000獎學金及獎狀乙張,共若干名,請大家把握機會。 申請截止日期為2018/4/23(一)下午5:00前,詳細辦法請參考公告。 申請表連結: http://goo.gl/NSrOQR 請有意願的同學盡快將應繳交之文件,送至英文系系友會辦公室(C2-421)或英文系辦公室內的英文系系友會之信箱。

[就業] 2017年系友就業統計圖

親愛的中大英文系系友們, 大家好! 為了讓系友們更了解我們英文系的畢業出路,系友會在近期內整理出了一份英文系友的就業統計圖表,煩請系友們過目,謝謝各位!